منتديات عشاق المصارعة الحرة
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منتديات عشاق المصارعة الحرة

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 لعبة Dead Space 3 Limited Edition (2013/multi2/RePack by Scorp1oN)

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
سين كارا
نائب عشاق المصارعة المحترف
نائب عشاق المصارعة المحترف
سين كارا

عدد المساهمات : 4656
تاريخ التسجيل : 13/04/2011

لعبة Dead Space 3 Limited Edition (2013/multi2/RePack by Scorp1oN) Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: لعبة Dead Space 3 Limited Edition (2013/multi2/RePack by Scorp1oN)   لعبة Dead Space 3 Limited Edition (2013/multi2/RePack by Scorp1oN) I_icon_minitimeالأربعاء فبراير 06, 2013 7:12 pm

لعبة Dead Space 3 Limited Edition (2013/multi2/RePack by Scorp1oN)

لعبة Dead Space 3 Limited Edition (2013/multi2/RePack by Scorp1oN) Ec50277cc592ce937c76aff924d62402

Dead Space 3 Limited Edition (2013/multi2/RePack by Scorp1oN)
2013 | PC | Language: English, Russian Voice set Language: English | Developer: Visceral Games Publisher: Electronic Arts | 4.22GB
Genre: Action (Shooter) / 3D / 3rd Person

In Dead Space 3 Isaac Clark and ruthless soldier John Carver will go away into space to find the source of Necromorph invasion. Make an emergency landing on a snowy planet, Isaac has to overcome harsh environments in search of resources and parts for weapons. In order to survive, will have to use all their engineering skills

. On a cold planet hidden answer - do away with Necromorphs, but you have to resist the avalanche, climbing icy cliffs and adapt to other worlds. Faced with fierce creatures evolved, Isaac can work together to survive and to save mankind from the apocalypse.

Shoulder to shoulder. Complete storyline campaign alone or in a team with a partner - in each case its interesting nuances. time factor. Join a network game and leave it literally "on the fly." Icy Hell. Examine hostile planet and try to survive in its extremely harsh terms. On the trail of the past. Seek underground cities and deserted settlements, keeping many secrets. For Life. Discover where are horrible Necromorphs, and save humanity from destruction.

Features Limited Edition
? Suit "Witness": These insulating suits worn miners KSSK group, trying to get to the darkest secrets Tau Volantis. What they found in the depths of the ice, forever changed their lives. When he returned a few weeks later, covered from head to foot with strange patterns, they proclaimed themselves "witnesses of the truth".

? Suit "First Contact": This unique costume (for EVA) was developed KSSK contact with the "other subjects." This cutting-edge protection from cosmic radiation, in addition, has a thick armor on the case ... contingencies. Costume designer named his creation "First Contact".

? Weapon "Preacher": Modification of the standard AL-2, used Legionnaires Sovereign Colonies is a vertical double-barreled assault rifle with AL-2g top and tactical short-barreled weapon "heavyweight" Emerson 2100 bottom. Surviving the "witness" of the group KSSK called it "Propovodnik" and painted strange symbols.

? Weapons "The Negotiator" KSSK classifies it as merely a "technical means", but the gilded "The Negotiator" has unexpectedly assertive functionality. Top mounted radiator Tesla can one volley disintegrate human body sizes into several pieces. Bottom-mounted laser gun has a single purpose - to break down organic fabrics in the distance.

Bonus items for pre-order:
? Enervator Tesla: This "shocker" was developed by scientists based Sovereign Colonies overloaded focusing coil for "humane" destruction of dangerous animals. Shocker a blast hitting the target electric shock and causing molecular instability of its structure. In tests on live action objects shocker causing instant death.

? PP EG-900: This sub-machine gun is designed for Special Forces conducting operations in urban environments. Compact, but awesome, an internal giperakseleratorom to cause maximum damage.

? Dead Space 1: To fix the communications systems on spacecraft "Ishimura" went engineer Isaac Clarke, but the ship he was faced with a nightmare - it was covered with a layer of blood, the team was infected with an alien virus and mutate. Survive at all costs - is the task now Clark. This play bonus will be available with the release of Dead Space 3.

Change language game:
Click Start -> Control Panel -> Clock, Language and Region -> Regional and Language Format: Russian (Russia) or English (U.S.) > Apply. Enabling subtitles: Main Menu -> Settings -> Sound -> Subtitles " Enable "or" Disable ".

Features repack:
"Do not cut,
"Audio | Video quality: 100%;
"The ability to establish the necessary software,
"The ability to choose a tablet 3DM | Reloaded | ALI213;
"Game Version: v1.0;
"Edition: Limited Edition;

System Requirements:
Operating System: Windows XP/Vista/7; Processor: 2.8 GHz or equivalent,
RAM: 1 GB (XP), 2 GB (Vista or Windows 7)
Hard Disk: At least 11 GB plus space for saved games ,
Video Card: 256 MB VRAM and Shader Model 3.0, NVIDIA GeForce 6800 or better (7300, 7600 GS, and 8500 did not meet the minimum requirements of the game), ATI X1600 Pro or better (X1300, X1300 Pro and HD2400 do not meet minimum requirements of the game).

لعبة Dead Space 3 Limited Edition (2013/multi2/RePack by Scorp1oN) 17870e762867ff2205216590276c869f

لعبة Dead Space 3 Limited Edition (2013/multi2/RePack by Scorp1oN) B3ef1fd3532b473457abec66dcc7c4af

لعبة Dead Space 3 Limited Edition (2013/multi2/RePack by Scorp1oN) 43868d0e8af5d874c0a94e41a29fa01f

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لعبة Dead Space 3 Limited Edition (2013/multi2/RePack by Scorp1oN)
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