منتديات عشاق المصارعة الحرة
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.
منتديات عشاق المصارعة الحرة

منتدى عالم للمصارعة الحرة اجدد عروض المصارعة واجدد الافلام العربية والاجنبية واجدد الصور
الرئيسيةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 تحميل CATIA V5-6R2012 ENOVIA Multicax Plug-in x86x64 (2012)

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
سين كارا
نائب عشاق المصارعة المحترف
نائب عشاق المصارعة المحترف
سين كارا

عدد المساهمات : 4656
تاريخ التسجيل : 13/04/2011

تحميل CATIA V5-6R2012 ENOVIA Multicax Plug-in x86x64 (2012) Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: تحميل CATIA V5-6R2012 ENOVIA Multicax Plug-in x86x64 (2012)   تحميل CATIA V5-6R2012 ENOVIA Multicax Plug-in x86x64 (2012) I_icon_minitimeالخميس فبراير 07, 2013 2:08 pm

CATIA V5-6R2012 ENOVIA Multicax Plug-in x86x64 (2012)

تحميل CATIA V5-6R2012 ENOVIA Multicax Plug-in x86x64 (2012) B41242c173320e14e6553ab149e768e0
BusinessCards MX 4.8 Datecode 07.02.2013 | 89.1 Mb

This program will help to design and print a professional business card. The interface of the program has been designed in such a way that even a beginning user will not have problems with using the program. The process of designing is based on inserting ready for use elements accessible in the program such as figures, images and the background, and freely shifting them on the prepared project. Another advantage of the program is the possibility of saving data about a company or people so that it can be used later while designing a business card. The program uses templates which you can prepare on your own, or you can use ready models , templates of business cards accessible in it. There are 400 examples of business card templates in the program.

- operating jpg, bmp, wmf , png ,tiff and more graphic formats
- a dozen or so effects which can be used while working on all objects (text , image , backgrounds) for example: shadows, textures, sepia, gradients and others
- export to high resolution (300 DPI , 600 DPI) pdf,jpg,tiff,bmp graphics file
- the size of designed business cards: min 70x40 max 105x65
- the appearance of the interface can be changed
- convert and export to CMYK ( with ICC profiles )
- support right to left languages (like arabic,hebrew)
- support unicode
- print on both sides of the paper (duplex printing)
- multilanguage support
- 400 supported business card paper for ink jet and laser printers, from Avery, APLI, Hisago, Sigel, A-One, Printec and other manufacturers

Home Page - http://www.businesscards-mx.com
تحميل CATIA V5-6R2012 ENOVIA Multicax Plug-in x86x64 (2012) Syo9aXP
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تحميل CATIA V5-6R2012 ENOVIA Multicax Plug-in x86x64 (2012)
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